Locally Written

The Newsey, Issue 3

As the Lyme Public Hall continues to remain closed, we have been looking for ways to remain connected to our friends and members and to help you remain connected to each other.  So, here is the third issue of “The Newsey”, an email devoted to sharing our stories of lockdown, social distancing and vaccination issues. We have been eleven months in this peculiar bubble.  We all have stories to tell and “The Newsey” is sharing those stories from

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The Newsey, Issue 2

Parade April 25, 2020 It was a beautiful Saturday afternoon in a week of mostly rainy, cold and damp weather. Lucky day for the “parade.” Parade? Yes. I don’t know who initiated it or when the idea took off, but by April 25th most of the town knew it would take place. I only knew it was related to how much we felt the need to thank those who were giving so much of themselves

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The Newsey, Issue 1

Toilet Paper: A Crisis I first became aware of the COVID-19 pandemic back in February. The national news was focused on a number of cruise ships being denied access to Asian ports of call because of widespread disease among the passengers and crew. In late February the epidemiologist Dr. Campbell was commenting on the impact of COVID-19 in Australia and New Zealand and was bemused by the announcement that the Australian Government had imposed a

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